Sistema de Auto Tile
5 participantes
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Sistema de Auto Tile
Alguem poderia me faser um tutorial de auto tile ja preocurei pra caramba e nao acho
math320- Membro Sênior
- Mensagens : 255
Re: Sistema de Auto Tile
auto tile deixa o game com leg e trava a vezes na hora de criar chars
Eduardo- Membro Veterano
- Mensagens : 1178
Re: Sistema de Auto Tile
é eu também tava precisando de um sistema de autotile,acostumado a mexer no RPG Maker XP,sem autotile mapear fica dificil .-.
Re: Sistema de Auto Tile
manis nao arruma mano o auto tile trava sua enginer pode dar ate bug nao aconselho
Eduardo- Membro Veterano
- Mensagens : 1178
Re: Sistema de Auto Tile
nossa cara eu tinha auto-tile para eeb e eo só que perdi na hora de formatar o pc e fiquei sem nada ;S só pedindo há alguem que tenha muita experiencia mesmo para fazer.
Att: Pablo
Att: Pablo
Pablo- Moderador Global
- Mensagens : 1371
Re: Sistema de Auto Tile
math320 escreveu:Alguem poderia me faser um tutorial de auto tile ja preocurei pra caramba e nao acho
Mesmo sendo não recomendável, tá aqui ele.
Obs: Não é recomendável por motivos de lag, ele abaixa consequentemente o FPS do teu jogo, até mesmo o PING.
Antes de fazer o tutorial, faça um backup, caso de erros, e não esqueça de deletar os mapas após colocar o mesmo.
Baixe o frmEditor_Map e substitua pelo teu, caso você queira modificar sem substituir, oque muda no novo frmEditor_map é a fraLayers, só alterar a do tutorial pela tua.
Abra o modGameLogic
Procure por If tmr25 < Tick Then
Acima de "If tmr25 < Tick Then" coloque:
- Código:
If tmr250 < Tick Then
If autoAnim < 3 Then
autoAnim = autoAnim + 1
autoAnim = 0
End If
tmr250 = GetTickCount + 250
End If
Abra o modGameEditors
E procure por If EditorTileWidth = 1 And EditorTileHeight = 1 Then
E substitua por:
- Código:
[font=Verdana]If (EditorTileWidth = 1 And EditorTileHeight = 1) Or CurLayer = MapLayer.Autotile Then 'single tile
- Código:
[b]frmEditor_Map.shpSelected.height = PIC_Y[/b]
- Código:
If frmEditor_Map.optLayer(MapLayer.Autotile) Then
EditorTileX = (X \ 32)
EditorTileY = (Y \ 32)
EditorTileWidth = 3
EditorTileHeight = 4 = EditorTileY * PIC_Y
frmEditor_Map.shpSelected.Left = EditorTileX * PIC_X
frmEditor_Map.shpSelected.Sou lammer =D = 96
frmEditor_Map.shpSelected.height = 128
End If
Abra o modDirectDraw7
Procure por:
- Código:
- Código:
Public Sub BltMapTile(ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long)
Dim rec As DxVBLib.RECT
Dim i As Long
With Map.Tile(X, Y)
For i = MapLayer.Ground To MapLayer.Mask2
' skip tile if tileset isn't set
If i = MapLayer.Autotile Then
BltAutotile X, Y
If .Layer(i).Tileset > 0 And .Layer(i).Tileset <= NumTileSets Then
' sort out rec = .Layer(i).Y * PIC_Y
rec.Bottom = + PIC_Y
rec.Left = .Layer(i).X * PIC_X
rec.Right = rec.Left + PIC_X
' render
Call Engine_BltFast(ConvertMapX(X * PIC_X), ConvertMapY(Y * PIC_Y), DDS_Tileset(.Layer(i).Tileset), rec, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY)
End If
End If
End With
' Error handler
Exit Sub
HandleError "BltMapTile", "modDirectDraw7", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext
Exit Sub
End Sub
Agora vá até o final do modDirectDraw7 e coloque o códico:
- Código:
Public Function isAutotileMatch(ByVal x1 As Long, ByVal y1 As Long, ByVal x2 As Long, ByVal y2 As Long) As Boolean
isAutotileMatch = False
' end of the map, pretend there's a tile there :3
If x1 < 0 Or x1 > Map.MaxX Or x2 < 0 Or x2 > Map.MaxX Or y1 < 0 Or y1 > Map.MaxY Or y2 < 0 Or y2 > Map.MaxY Then
isAutotileMatch = True
If Map.Tile(x1, y1).Layer(MapLayer.Autotile).X = Map.Tile(x2, y2).Layer(MapLayer.Autotile).X Then
If Map.Tile(x1, y1).Layer(MapLayer.Autotile).Y = Map.Tile(x2, y2).Layer(MapLayer.Autotile).Y Then
If Map.Tile(x1, y1).Layer(MapLayer.Autotile).Tileset = Map.Tile(x2, y2).Layer(MapLayer.Autotile).Tileset Then
isAutotileMatch = True
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Function
Public Sub BltAutotile(ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long)
Dim rec As DxVBLib.RECT
Dim AutoSet As Long
Dim bTop As Long
Dim bLeft As Long
AutoSet = Map.Tile(X, Y).Layer(MapLayer.Autotile).Tileset
If AutoSet <= 0 Or AutoSet > NumTileSets Then Exit Sub
bTop = Map.Tile(X, Y).Layer(MapLayer.Autotile).Y * 32
bLeft = Map.Tile(X, Y).Layer(MapLayer.Autotile).X * 32
' animate
If DDSD_Tileset(AutoSet).lWidth = 384 Then bLeft = autoAnim * 96
' ########################
' ########################
' ### top left ###
' ########################
' ########################
With rec
.top = bTop + 32
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 0
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
' 1-dir horizontal join
If isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X - 1, Y) Then
With rec
.top = bTop + 32
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 64
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
' 2-dir horizontal join
If isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X + 1, Y) Then
With rec
.top = bTop + 32
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 32
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
End If
End If
' 1-dir vertical join
If isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X, Y - 1) Then
With rec
.top = bTop + 96
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 0
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
' 2-dir vertical join
If isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X, Y + 1) Then
With rec
.top = bTop + 64
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 0
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
End If
End If
' 1-dir corner join
If isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X - 1, Y) And isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X, Y - 1) Then
With rec
.top = bTop + 0
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 64
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
' 2-dir corner join
If isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X - 1, Y - 1) Then
With rec
.top = bTop + 96
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 64
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
End If
End If
' surrounded to the left or top
If (isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X - 1, Y) And isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X, Y - 1) And _
isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X, Y + 1) And isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X - 1, Y - 1) And _
isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X - 1, Y + 1)) Or (isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X - 1, Y) And _
isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X + 1, Y) And isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X, Y - 1) And _
isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X + 1, Y - 1) And isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X - 1, Y - 1)) Then
With rec
.top = bTop + 64
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 32
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
End If
Call Engine_BltFast(ConvertMapX((X * PIC_X)), ConvertMapY((Y * PIC_Y)), DDS_Tileset(AutoSet), rec, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY)
' ########################
' ########################
' ### top right ###
' ########################
' ########################
With rec
.top = bTop + 32
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 80
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
' 1-dir horizontal join
If isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X + 1, Y) Then
With rec
.top = bTop + 32
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 16
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
' 2-dir horizontal join
If isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X - 1, Y) Then
With rec
.top = bTop + 32
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 48
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
End If
End If
' 1-dir vertical join
If isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X, Y - 1) Then
With rec
.top = bTop + 96
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 80
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
' 2-dir vertical join
If isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X, Y + 1) Then
With rec
.top = bTop + 64
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 80
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
End If
End If
' 1-dir corner join
If isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X + 1, Y) And isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X, Y - 1) Then
With rec
.top = bTop + 0
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 80
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
' 2-dir corner join
If isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X + 1, Y - 1) Then
With rec
.top = bTop + 96
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 16
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
End If
End If
' surrounded to the right or top
If (isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X + 1, Y) And isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X, Y - 1) And _
isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X, Y + 1) And isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X + 1, Y - 1) And _
isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X + 1, Y + 1)) Or (isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X - 1, Y) And _
isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X + 1, Y) And isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X, Y - 1) And _
isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X + 1, Y - 1) And isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X - 1, Y - 1)) Then
With rec
.top = bTop + 64
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 48
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
End If
Call Engine_BltFast(ConvertMapX((X * PIC_X) + 16), ConvertMapY((Y * PIC_Y)), DDS_Tileset(AutoSet), rec, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY)
' ########################
' ########################
' ### bottom left ###
' ########################
' ########################
With rec
.top = bTop + 112
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 0
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
' 1-dir horizontal join
If isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X - 1, Y) Then
With rec
.top = bTop + 112
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 64
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
' 2-dir horizontal join
If isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X + 1, Y) Then
With rec
.top = bTop + 112
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 32
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
End If
End If
' 1-dir vertical join
If isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X, Y + 1) Then
With rec
.top = bTop + 48
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 0
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
' 2-dir vertical join
If isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X, Y - 1) Then
With rec
.top = bTop + 80
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 0
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
End If
End If
' 1-dir corner join
If isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X - 1, Y) And isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X, Y + 1) Then
With rec
.top = bTop + 16
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 64
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
' 2-dir corner join
If isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X - 1, Y + 1) Then
With rec
.top = bTop + 48
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 64
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
End If
End If
' surrounded to the left or top
If (isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X - 1, Y) And isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X, Y - 1) And _
isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X, Y + 1) And isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X - 1, Y - 1) And _
isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X - 1, Y + 1)) Or (isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X - 1, Y) And _
isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X + 1, Y) And isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X, Y + 1) And _
isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X + 1, Y + 1) And isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X - 1, Y + 1)) Then
With rec
.top = bTop + 80
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 64
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
End If
Call Engine_BltFast(ConvertMapX((X * PIC_X)), ConvertMapY((Y * PIC_Y) + 16), DDS_Tileset(AutoSet), rec, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY)
' ########################
' ########################
' ### bottom right ###
' ########################
' ########################
With rec
.top = bTop + 112
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 80
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
' 1-dir horizontal join
If isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X + 1, Y) Then
With rec
.top = bTop + 112
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 16
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
' 2-dir horizontal join
If isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X - 1, Y) Then
With rec
.top = bTop + 112
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 48
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
End If
End If
' 1-dir vertical join
If isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X, Y + 1) Then
With rec
.top = bTop + 48
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 80
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
' 2-dir vertical join
If isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X, Y - 1) Then
With rec
.top = bTop + 80
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 80
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
End If
End If
' 1-dir corner join
If isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X + 1, Y) And isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X, Y + 1) Then
With rec
.top = bTop + 16
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 80
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
' 2-dir corner join
If isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X + 1, Y + 1) Then
With rec
.top = bTop + 48
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 16
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
End If
End If
' surrounded to the left or top
If (isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X + 1, Y) And isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X, Y - 1) And _
isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X, Y + 1) And isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X + 1, Y - 1) And _
isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X + 1, Y + 1)) Or (isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X - 1, Y) And _
isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X + 1, Y) And isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X, Y + 1) And _
isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X + 1, Y + 1) And isAutotileMatch(X, Y, X - 1, Y + 1)) Then
With rec
.top = bTop + 80
.Bottom = .top + 16
.Left = bLeft + 48
.Right = .Left + 16
End With
End If
Call Engine_BltFast(ConvertMapX((X * PIC_X) + 16), ConvertMapY((Y * PIC_Y) + 16), DDS_Tileset(AutoSet), rec, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY)
End Sub
Abra o modEnumerations
E procure por
- Código:
[b]Public Enum MapLayer[/b]
- Código:
Public Enum MapLayer
Ground = 1
' Make sure Layer_Count is below everything else
End Enum
Sαkurαy- Membro Veterano
- Mensagens : 1386
Re: Sistema de Auto Tile
OBs deu erro aki
OBs deu erro aki
- Código:
If tmr250 < Tick Then
If autoAnim < 3 Then
autoAnim = autoAnim + 1
autoAnim = 0
End If
tmr250 = GetTickCount + 250
End I
math320- Membro Sênior
- Mensagens : 255
Re: Sistema de Auto Tile
Então não sei..
Aqui funciona..
Nem recomendo por também este sistema, bugado, lagger, e bugará os mapas.
É uma dica.
Aqui funciona..
Nem recomendo por também este sistema, bugado, lagger, e bugará os mapas.
É uma dica.
Sαkurαy- Membro Veterano
- Mensagens : 1386
Re: Sistema de Auto Tile
o erro era que vc esqueceu o Dim Tmr250 As Long
math320- Membro Sênior
- Mensagens : 255
Re: Sistema de Auto Tile
GM HaLT X2 escreveu:Pablo: Mas não é para Elysium é para Eclipse Origins
Pablo Diz: tinha auto-tile para eeb e eo
Bom sobre o auto-tile eu não consegui arranjar um para você, e sobre oque você disse que tinha que por Tmr250 não era para por era só criar 1 timer e nomeia-lo de Tmr250
Pablo- Moderador Global
- Mensagens : 1371
Re: Sistema de Auto Tile
valeu mais o dim quase arrumo meu problema
math320- Membro Sênior
- Mensagens : 255
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